Best dust control solutions available in Australia
When it comes to finding dust control solutions for a project, people get confused between the myriad of solutions available. In this regard, here are some top suggestions for you.
Top Dust control solutions for Australian landscapes
Reducing regular traffic
The first step to clearing out a dusty site is to limit the number of vehicles passing through the area. As the tires tend to pick up dust during their movement and throw them back into the air, the site gets dustier and dustier without getting a proper time out for the particles to settle in. Hence, experts often advise limiting the movement of vehicles wherever possible till further professional measures have been taken. However, if not possible, passing strict road regulations can prove to be handy as in major highways.
Proper maintenance of roads
Another option to have lesser suspended dust particles includes proper maintenance of the roads. Although the Australian Government spends huge bucks of money every once in a while to tend to roads, correctly using them can also lead to lesser pollution. Starting from driving within the speed limits to regular check up of the vehicles, a lot can be done for the cause. Similarly, regulatory authorities should also monitor the condition of the road, ensure good road drainage and fix potholes as soon as possible. The dust levels will definitely return to their normal levels through the collaborative effort, therefore letting people inhale much clean and fresh air.
Sprinkling water on sites and roads
One of the most simple yet effective dust control solutions, sprinkling highly pressurized water droplets, has also been proven to show wonders. When sprinkled through advanced specialized Earthmoving equipment in Australia, these water droplets instantly trap the particles inside them before settling on the ground. Additionally, their structure also makes them highly impenetrable, hence a much effective and budget-friendly method for many sites. Upon settling down, they create a sticky layer which can then be easily removed by sweeping, mopping, or other professional measures. Although this method definitely can be a life-saver for heavily polluted sites or roads, the results are rather short-lived.
Using chemical binders
Finally, chemical binders are the most advanced dust palliatives that work somewhat similar to the water sprinkling method. Made with the perfect combination of various chemicals, they are available in many variants, such as petroleum-based, electrochemical stabilizers, polymers, and organic non-petroleum ones. Depending upon their base materials, their working methods may differ from one another. But, almost all of them initiate their work by trapping dust particles within them and creating a firm layer that prevents their further projection into the air. Unlike water droplets, these dust control solutions are much long-lasting, although they also incur higher charges.
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